NVSS Bat Policy

All bats used in NVSS-sanctioned events must:

• meet USA Softball (formerly known as ASA) certification standards

• be on the USA Softball Approved Bat List

• have an ASA/USA Softball certification mark

• not have a Bat Performance Standard (BPF) more than 1.20

 Bats that do not meet these criteria pose a safety hazard to NVSS members in that they can result in a Batted Ball Speed (BBS) that exceeds USA Softball standards.

Bats must not be dented, cracked or rattle. They must legibly display the USA Softball certification mark, bat model number, and manufacturer’s name.

Wood bats are legal. Bats manufactured prior to 2000 may not be used. All senior bats are illegal.



NVSS Members

Members must check their bat manufacturer’s name and model number prior to each season against the USA Softball Approved Bats List:

Go to https://www.usasoftball.com/certified-equipment/ and click on BATS to get the listing.

 If the bat is not on the Approved Bats List, it is not legal to be used in NVSS sanctioned events.

Members must affirm to their managers prior to each season that their bat(s) are on the USA Softball Approved Bats List. If the member does not have internet access to check their bat(s), they must provide their manager with the manufacturer name and model number of the bat(s).

Members must comply with this policy and NVSS rules on the use of illegal bats.


Managers/Assistant Managers

Managers/Assistant Managers, prior to the member starting play, will:

• ensure that players inform them that their bats meet this NVSS policy

• affix an “NVSS Approved” sticker to each bat each season

• periodically check bats for dents, cracks, and rattles and remove any such bats from play

• if a member joins the team into the season, perform the above steps

• if a member cannot perform the USA Softball Approved Bat List check, perform the check for them: https://www.usasoftball.com/certified-equipment/

• enforce this policy and NVSS rules on the use of illegal bats


February 2024