NVSS Creed

Participants in the Northern Virginia Senior Softball league acknowledge they are engaged in a recreational endeavor in furtherance of good health, sportsmanship, fellowship, and fun. While the competitive nature of the game exists and would never be discouraged, the fact remains that NVSS players represent a very broad diversity in age, skills, experience, and physical condition, and are of both sexes. If the league is to flourish, play must be tempered to recognize this reality.

In acknowledgement of player differences, as weighed against the need to retain a competitive environment, every effort is made to form teams composed of equivalent strengths and weaknesses. Parity and safety are the order of the day and a major factor in the development of rules and management of the league throughout the year.

NVSS is further characterized by a spirit of volunteerism. Board members, committee leaders, tournament officials, and managers along with their assistants are all volunteers. And so are the umpires — who for the most part are selected from and by "us" on a game-by-game basis. We ask our umpires "to call it as they see it." We also ask managers and players alike, in the interest of "less bickering, more play" to resolve a disputed ruling by "calling it as they know it to be."