NVSS is a registered non-profit 501.c.3 sports organization.  It is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors with elected officers.  The Board is charged with and is responsible for the operation and management of the operations and overall activities of NVSS.  The Board establishes policies and procedures needed to ensure NVSS is an ongoing operation, and for the safe and efficient play of members.  The Board approves all proposals.  Volunteer committee chairs assist the Board in carrying out the management and operations of the organization.

 NVSS volunteers follow these guidelines:     Bylaws      Policies      Procedures     Financials

Twice a year divide 500 players into 3 conferences to form evenly matched teams.  

Operate on a financially solvent basis.

Schedule and maintain fields.

Prepare regular season and tournament game schedules.

Procure balls, hats, shirts, and other supplies.

Provide umpire training for players.

Provide off-season conditioning programs.

Provide fielding, pitching, andbatting clinics.

Provide batting practice sessions.

Provide CPR training.

Provide scorekeeping training.

And much more...




                                                      ON THE FIELD OF PLAY

All members are expected to balance competition, sportsmanship, and camaraderie while playing the game of senior softball. The NVSS Creed and the NVSS Code of Conduct must be adhered to at all times by all players and managers.

                                                                                                 NVSS Creed              NVSS Code of Conduct




The website and Facebook page are our major sources of information. The Master Calendar on the website has all NVSS sanctioned activities displayed. Important time-sensitive informa(e.g. game cancellations) are posted promptly on both media. You may also sign up for text alerts on the website for the important time-sensitive information. There are occasional member-wide e-mails for special announcements.

Team Managers provide much information (both written and verbal) to players during the season.

  The Slow Pitch newsletter is posted on the website about three times a year. An email will alert you when a new edition is available. You can also browse all past editions via a link on the website.

     An annual membership directory is distributed to all members once a year in the late Spring. Other sources of general information are:      BOD MEETING MINUTES         FAQS